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  • Fun in the heart, happy childhood - Century Only Kindergarten June 1 Children's Day celebration

    Fun in the heart, happy childhood - Century Only Kindergarten June 1 Children's Day celebration

  • Children's heart to space, build space dreams together -- Century Only Kindergarten large-scale parent-child space theme activities

    Children's heart to space, build space dreams together -- Century Only Kindergarten large-scale parent-child space theme activities

  • Meet with the light, such as

    Meet with the light, such as "shadow" accompanying - the story of Primary two class course

  • Protect eyesight, care for

    Protect eyesight, care for "pupil" true -- Century Only Kindergarten eye Day activities

  • Shandong Provincial Institute of Labor Technology into the century only -

    Shandong Provincial Institute of Labor Technology into the century only - "legacy" pulse, such as "paint" and to

  • The best childhood is in the deep spring

    The best childhood is in the deep spring
